Friday, 19 February 2016

Hair and Makeup List

Costume List

Prop Design

Below is the design for the pieces that I will be attaching to the sides of the football at the beginning of my intro as a part of the cast ad crew credits. I decided to use the font I did because it is the type of font that is usually associated with sports. I have placed the writing inside a pentagon and a hexagon, because these will follow the shapes that are placed together to make the overall shape of the football.

Props List

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Additional Storyboard Frame

The following is an additional frame to add to my latest draft of my storyboard. This frame will go after the third camera shot on the fourth board. It will follow the tracking shot of the protagonist walking along the graffiti'd wall. This shot gives me a good opportunity to add in extra credits.

Second Draft of Transcript


Black Screen

00:01- 00:05

Vanity Title 
Production Company Theme

Black Screen


Vanity Title 


Black Screen


Vanity Title 


Black Screen


Vanity Title 

00:27- 00:32
Football Pitch
Character’s torso seen, picking up and carrying the ball
Voices of background characters
00:33- 00:36

Bag being dropped down at the foot of the goal post, contents from bag is shown.
Thud on the ground
00:37- 00:49

Close on football, revealing ‘Starring’ credits and some repeated production logo credits.
Ambient sound and voices in the background
00:50- 00:56

Pan of the protagonist taking a penalty
and scoring a goal
Running/ footsteps on the ground
Kicking of ball

Black Screen Fade to White text superimposed over the top.  Title.
Cheering continued.

Low angle shot of the team running over to goal scorer and celebrating in slow motion.


Same action but showing the full pitch.
Ambient sound and voices
01:15- 01:19

Same action but closer to the actors.


Close to feet kicking off shoes.
Soundtrack, ambient sound

Feet in shower.
Soundtrack, faint sound of shower.

Hand reaching for towel.

High angle of player putting on a jumper/coat.

Bag hook, and bags being taken off it.
Soundtrack- fade out, sound of locker doors

Protagonist being praised.
‘Nice one’

Cut to black screen

01:36- 01:40

Graffiti’d building, people hanging around outside.


Protagonist walking alongside the wall.

01:44- 01:49

Male character arguing with female character, protagonist appearing in the background.
‘It’s not my fault coach is resigning!’
01:50- 01:52

Female character talking to male character.
‘But what are we meant to do now?”
01:53- 01:55

Male character talking to female character.Male shrugs.

01:56- 01:57

Back to female charcater talking.
Female characters sighs loudly.
01:58- 02:04

All three characters getting into a heated conversation.
Protagonist: ‘What’s going on?’
Female character: ‘Girls aren’t a part of this team anymore’
Male: ‘But..’
Protagonist: ‘What?’
02:05- 02:06

Slow motion five characters arguing, pushing and shoving. 

02:07- 02:10
Smashed glass, tilt up to show protagonist pushing male character to the floor. 


Black screen.

Evaluation of First Draft of Transcript

Regarding my first transcript, I received some feedback from my media teacher in order for me to refine it.

Firstly, I was told that I didn't need to include the shot sizes or the types of editing in the video description column of the table. However, I did receive feedback that the rest of the description was along the right lines.

Furthermore, I found that I could add more than one thing into the sound column of the table, and so underneath the soundtrack, for example, I can include the sound of the shower.

My next step is to make these changes to refine the overall transcript.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Fourth Draft of Storyboard

This is my fourth storyboard draft, edited to include the tracking shot of the protagonist walking alongside the graffiti'd building.

Evaluation of Third Draft of Storyboard

Overall, I managed to take on most of the feedback provided to me in the evaluation of the second evaluation, excepting that of adding a shot that shows the protagonist moving from the changing rooms to the argument. As I added this into the transcript, I shall need to add this to my storyboard.

Monday, 8 February 2016

First Draft of Transcript

Below is a transcript for my social realism intro. I created this using the latest draft of my storyboard to make sure that it includes everything that I know will be in it so far. I also came up with a rough estimate for each take to try and fit it into two minutes. 


Black Screen

00:01- 00:05

Fade to Vanity Title then fade to black
Production Company Theme

Black Screen


Fade to Vanity Title Fade to black


Black Screen


Fade to Vanity Title Fade to Black


Black Screen


Fade to Vanity Title Fade to black

00:27- 00:32
Football Pitch
Shot of character’s torso, picking up and carrying the ball
Voices of background characters
00:33- 00:36

Shot of the foot of the goalpost, and a bag being dropped down next to it, contents from bag is shown.
Thud on the ground
00:37- 00:49

Close up on football, revealing ‘Starring’ Credits and some repeated production logo credits.
Ambient sound and voices in the background
00:50- 00:56

Cut to a pan of the protagonist taking a penalty
and scoring a goal
Fade to black
Running/ footsteps on the ground
Kicking of ball

Black Screen Fade to White text superimposed over the top.  Title.
Cheering continued.

Cut to low angle shot of the team running over to goal scorer and celebrating in slow motion.


Cut to same action but in a wide establishing shot of the pitch.
Ambient sound and voices
01:15- 01:19

Cut to same action with a medium shot of the actors.


Close up on feet kicking off shoes.

Close up on feet in shower.

Close up of hand reaching for towel.

Close up, low angle of player putting on a jumper/coat.

Close up of bag hook, and bags being taken off it.
Soundtrack- fade out

Medium shot of protagonist being praised.
‘Nice one’

Cut to black screen

01:36- 01:40

Establishing shot of graffiti’d building, people hanging around outside.


Tracking shot of the protagonist walking alongside the wall.

01:44- 01:49

Medium shot of male character arguing with female character, protagonist appearing in the background.
‘It’s not my fault coach is resigning!’
01:50- 01:52

Over the shoulder shot of other character.
‘But what are we meant to do now?”
01:53- 01:55

Over the shoulder shot of argument. Male shrugs.

01:56- 01:57

Shot reverse shot.
Female characters sighs loudly.
01:58- 02:04

Medium long shot of all three characters getting into a heated conversation. Fade to black.
Protagonist: ‘What’s going on?’
Female character: ‘Girls aren’t a part of this team anymore’
Male: ‘But..’
Protagonist: ‘What?’
02:05- 02:06

Slow motion long shot of five characters arguing, pushing and shoving. Slow motion.

02:07- 02:10

Cut to smashed glass, tilt up to show protagonist pushing male character to the floor. Fade to black.


Black screen.