Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Evaluation of Second Draft of Storyboard

As with the previous storyboard, I had a discussion with my media teacher upon the completion of my redraft. We agreed that this one was definitely an improvement, although there are still a few details that can be improved on.

Firstly, the two medium shots in a row was not the most effective way that my intro could be edited together. Although the two scenes are different, I have now decided to film a medium shot outside, and add some insert shots of close ups of the team members getting ready to leave the changing room, and then cut to the other medium shot of the goal scorer being praised inside the changing room. This would help to exaggerate the fact that they are going to be the last one out.

I was also given advice to consider which shot(s) would be appropriate to use to show the protagonist moving from the changing room to the event outside, as well as which music I was going to use, and where I was going to place the repeated production titles from the logos at the beginning, as I discovered that this was conventional for social realism films.

My next step is to draft this once more to include the advice given to me during feedback with my media teacher.

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